Nimon Hao
Marching 2 by 2... to the bus... for a 2 hour ride... too... |
The base of Yuanti Mountain |
Before the government, turned the mountain into a Geopark, many Chinese attempted to farm here. |
Spring... Sweet |
Hiking in China... not quite the same as American hiking. Namely a lot more lines, and waiting... |
Waiting in the sun... |
Of course when we did reach the shade, I ended up hitting my head... a lot. |
"Take care, the path of 30m is low, dark, and damp"... |
Here we go |
This is at eye level... of someone about 4 inches shorter than me... |
I ee the light at the end of the tunnel... LAME! |
Freedom! OUCH! |
Still very scenic |
Here's a view of the last fall in the canyon |
Brenda and I getting ready for the 2 KM hike back to the top |
This trail is not carved out of the canyon wall, rather it is built up artificially. |
Great, yet another low overhang |
The ladies |
Turns out that some of these falls are also artificial |
The boulder is real... so that's cool |
Watch your head Han |
This one's real |
China is being hit hard by a drought, I bet this dam would be pretty awesome if there was actually water here... DAMN DAM!!! |
It wasn't really that funny... |
Finally back to the bus |
Stupid Monkey!!! |
The pool of long living, |
The water is still quite low here |
And here is where I dropped my camera... yup... awesome... right into the water... |
Now the trials are all paved, manly because in one day Yuanti mountain sees an average of 100,000 people... meaning that in three months Yuanti sees more people than Yosemite Park, if they don't pave the park then there wouldn't be any nature left.
I managed to dry of my camera and who'd of thought it, but the damn thing still works. Yea, Panasonic!
Kung the Millionaire's Mansion, one of the three major compounds that have can be traced back for at least 12 generations. |
This is the main compound walkway, they say that one man could stand against one thousand |
A weird rock, probably a really old weird rock |
A 250 year old grapevine, still produces seedless grapes once a year. |
The god stone... not really sure which god, or whose god... but that's the name |
This is the studying room, Kang's kids would have to stay in here for at 12 to 14 hours at a time... you can see one of the solutions to natures call here. |
What better way to end a blog then with a very unique "chair". So My parents are visiting this week. Beijing this weekend and Xian next week. Sweet!
Hope you guys have a great time. Maybe we will catch you all on Skype this weekend!! Take care and can't wait to see you soon!