Teaching In China

Hello Everyone,
If you have come to this page then must be at least slightly interested in my exploration and experiences in China. This opportunity has been provided to me, and my fellow participants by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, if you are interested in learning more please do not hesitate to look at some of the amazing work this organization is doing. I am participating in the NCUSCR's Teacher Exchange Program which has been sending K-12 educators to china since 1996. Please enjoy my PG-13 Chinese exploits.

Friday, September 3, 2010

First Week of Class... Well, Two Days of Class... OK, Only Four Classes...

Ninmen Hao!
I'm significantly taller than anyone around me...
So I had a rigorous two day of teaching.  The day started with the yearly Flag Ceremony, where Michael, Skyla, and I were asked share a few words with our whole staff and the entire student body (I demonstrated my crap-tastic Chinese).  I taught 2 Junior 2 classes and 2 Junior 1's (8th and 7th grade respectively), I was amazed at the skill level of some of my students.  I have students who have already been to the States and some who have been studying English since they were 3.  Now, I was warned by many people (including Margot) that it will be hot in our classrooms... man did I underestimate that heat... I didn't get the air all sorted out until after my second wardrobe change (the advantages of living 5 minutes form my classroom).
My Room Number
My Very Hot Room
The Student View
Junior 1 Class 1
Junior 1 Class 2 (Day 1 I managed to get kids to share their writing)
Junior 1 Class 2 (A Lot More energy!)
 More to post later,



  1. I don't think the people of China could understand the amount of sweat that could come out of a large Irish man such as your self. Keep your clothes on so they don't mistake you for a Yeti or whatever the Chinese equivalent may be. -Mike

  2. How is it going had trouble posting on your blog
    Mike's dad
